Thursday, August 25, 2011

10 more ways to use Blogs in Your Classroom

1. Create a calendar with the volunteer sign up times listed
2. Have students identify the elements of a book read in class
Example:Sarah Pain and Tall
3. Share lesson plans with teammates and administrators
4. Link class with another class in a different country (Pen Pals)
5.Have students create blogs to keep as an online writing portfolio
6. Post pictures of classroom activities and hove students post their thoughts
7. Create a classroom survey
8. Allow open feedback from admin, parents, and students
9. Add photos of special events for parent who were unable to attend
Example: Special Events
10. List upcoming topics so parents can preview the information and create background knowledge for students

More ideas
Ideas for Incorporating Blogs
Cool Ideas from Clss Blogs
Classroom Blog Ideas

Students' Response to Blogs in the Classroom

Wordle image found at: EDTECH Underground Revolution: The USe of a Blog in the Classroom

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